Tagged: Disney+

Once upon a time 0

Once Upon a Time is moving to Disney+

If you want to watch a show filled to the brim with famously Disney characters, then watch Once Upon a Time. What’s On Disney Plus recounts the show’s plot, “The series follows a young woman...

Inside Out, Court Case, Disney 0

Court Sides With Disney Inside Out

Court sides with Disney’s Inside Out on a case of copyright infringement. Disney continues to win these cases. What Is Inside Out? If you need a refresher on Inside Out, it is a popular...

COVID-19, coronavirus, twitter, Disney World, reopens 0

Disney Reopens with Relaxation Zones

While Disney World reopens there is controversy surrounding both the new ‘relaxation zones’ and the reopening itself. These ‘relaxation zones’ are mask free areas where people can take off their masks in the park....