Category: TV


Rosario Dawson on Ahsoka: Not Confirmed…. Yet.

Rosario Dawson might be more of a geek than I am. “Doubtful,” you say. “Hang on,” I say. Dawson recently told Variety: “The two universes, ‘Star Trek’ and ‘Star Wars.’ I get in those...


Will Daredevil Return to the MCU?

Forbes says the jury is still out. We keep hearing chatter about Charlie Cox’s Matt Murdock — you know him as Daredevil — returning to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Nothing official, mind you....


What Is Josh Gad Hinting At?

Earlier today, Josh Gad tweeted and insta’d a fairly cryptic photo: Things are brewing… — Josh Gad (@joshgad) April 10, 2020 This coming just a month after The Verge and many, many others...