Vanessa Hudgens Taken To Class Over Covid 19 Comments
Welp, that escalated quickly. Former High School Musical star Vanessa Hudgens off-the-cuff comments about the current crisis have her in hot water. had the deets on yesterday’s controversial comments by Vanessa regarding Covid-19/Coronavirus posted via Instagram Live:

Vanessa Hudgens. Image: TODAY Show
Vanessa, apparently already bored in quarantine, decided to do a makeup tutorial Monday night, but swayed off topic when a viewer asked about the quarantine possibly lasting until July. The actress said that “sounds like a bunch of bulls**t” and then dug herself an ever-deeper hole.
She said, “Even if everybody gets it … like, yeah … people are gonna die, which is terrible, but like … inevitable?” You do have to see how she said it because tone makes all the difference here, and this seems as close to tone deaf as you can get.
Then, earlier today, she tried to walk back those comments:
However, that didn’t satiate cancel culture’s ire.
And, finally, she posted:
Hopefully, other celebrities take a good look at how quickly some thoughtless words (mindless banter, really) turned into a media event. And, also hopefully, Ms. Hudgens finally seeing the light about the coronavirus might lead others to realize just how serious the situation is for EVERYONE.
Read the full piece here.